Touted “the most expensive boat of its size” at her introduction in 1977, the diminutive Mariah 31 helped build Pacific Seacraft’s reputation for making quality boats. She was designed by the original co-founder of Pacific Seacraft,
Henry Mohrschladt who only two years earlier kicked off the business with Mike Howarth building boats out of Howarth’s garage.
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The Mariah 31 is a ridiculously sturdy boat, with hull thicknesses seldom seen in boats twice her length. We’re talking one inch at the topsides extending to 3 inches at the bilge, and deck thicknesses of an inch and a half (where you can hear owners complain they can’t readily find through-deck bolts long enough). As testament to her strength, Paul Lutus during his solo circumnavigation in Selene writes of surviving a blow with a semi-submerged shipping container without taking on any water, the impact had enough force to throw him clean off from his berth while he slept.

Length on deck: 30.5′
Retired in 1999 but re-introduced in 2002.
Shoal draft (Sheel keel) version: 4.0’/ 1.22m
Sloop or cutter.